Every week we will be listing a great film, TV show and short film that we love and we think you will too. Time to put the feet up, crack open a beverage and enjoy.
Issue #14
This week is focused on smaller, American films and TV. Small in production but not in story. Coen Brothers, Javier Bardem, Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Harrelson, Josh Brolin & Mark Ruffalo are hardly small names. All incredibly written and directed shows. The film and Tv show this week probably sit a bit darker than usual. The short film just compliments them both nicely with a beautifully told story from the US/Mexico border. Enjoy!
THE MOVIE: No Country For Old Men
A slow burner of a film that gradually tightens it grip on you, primarily due the incredible performance of Javier Bardem. A forgotten place, in a forgotten time (or so it feels). Dark characters. Dark goings on. Totally captivating.
THE TV SHOW: I Know This Much Is True
This is as dark as I've seen. It's up there with the true detectives and the like. An absolutely astonishing performance from Mark Ruffalo who plays both lead parts. One as Dominick and the other role as his twin, Thomas. It delves into the American judicial and medial systems that pin so many people down. Not light viewing, that's for sure.
THE SHORT FILM: Ferryman at the Wall
It's always better to hear a story first hand and this little film does exactly that. It's set on the American/Mexico border and the people here are telling it as it is. Not suited politicians. Honest and insightful but most importantly, human. Not too many of these stories around.
Have a great weekend.
Brian Benjamin Dwyer
Creative Director @ Madra Mór Productions